A suspense-action drama series
8*45-minute episodes
Creators: Anat Gafni & Sahar Shavit.
Director: Ofir Lobel.
Producers: Mosh Danon, Chaim Sharir, Pascal Breton,
Lionel Uzan & Jean-Michel Ciszewski.
In Production by Drama Team & Federation Entertainment for Reshet 13.
An ordinary morning at a small-town High School turns into a nightmare when anonymous figures in masks have committed a massacre leaving four dead students. Chaos is at its peak. The school is surrounded by police cars. Ambulances and police forces are rushed to the scene, as well as terrified parents and journalists.

A Crime Drama Series
Creators: David Akerman & Dror Sabo
Head Writer: David Akerman
Director: Dror Sabo
Producers: Mosh Danon & Chaim Sharir
In Production for Hot & ITV
Jerusalem is an original crime drama about the brutal struggles between God’s official and unofficial representatives, willing to do anything to conquer another square meter in his name, fueled by dark desires, greed and blind faith. The series reveals through its characters what really takes place behind the scenes of the holiest city on earth. It is a charged, dense, gritty and realistic show exposing the bitter, the boundless power struggles that take place between the “official representatives” of God, who are willing to sacrifice human life to gain ownership of another centimeter of the city, and the dark motivations behind this struggle, the vast amounts of money, the decadence, and the religion that allows it all to happen.

The Girls from Oslo
A suspense-action drama series
An Israel-Norway co-production
10*35-minute episodes
Series Creators: Ronit Weiss-Berkowitz & Kyrre Holm Johannessen
Director (Israel): Uri Barbash
Producers (Israel): Chaim Sharir and Mosh Danon
(Norway): Hakon Briseid, Lasse Greve, Brede Hovland.
In production by Drama Team (Israel) & Monster Scripted (Norway) For “Hot” (Israel), TV2 (Norway) and Netflix
Pia, A Norwegian young tourist and two young Israeli brother and sister, are kidnapped in Sinai by ISIS. In exchange for their lives, the terror organization demands the release of terrorists imprisoned in Israel and Norway. If the prisoners are not released– the hostages will be executed. Both the Israeli and Norwegian governments oppose cutting a deal with ISIS.

The Grave
A suspense and mystery series
Creator & Director: Omri Givon.
Producers: Chaim Sharir, Mosh Danon, Pascal Breton,
Lionel Uzan & Jean-Michel Ciszewski.
Produced by Drama Team & Federation Entertainment for Keshet 12.
What would you do if you were given the chance to change
your destiny? What would you do if you could go back and save the love of your life? What if you were to find out that by saving your loved one, you had lost the other thing that was most important to you in the world?What if you were to find out that there is another person, exactly like you, wandering the world?
A large earthquake cracks a pit open in a pastoral nature reserve in Northern Israel, exposing a grave containing three skeletons.
A police investigation reveals that these skeletons belong to three live people.