A Crime Drama Series by David Akerman
(In Production for Hot & ITV)

Jerusalem is an original crime drama about the brutal struggles between God’s official and unofficial representatives, willing to do anything to conquer another square meter in his name, fueled by dark desires, greed and blind faith. The series reveals through its characters what really takes place behind the scenes of the holiest city on earth.

It is a charged, dense, gritty and realistic show exposing the bitter, the boundless power struggles that take place between the “official representatives” of God, who are willing to sacrifice human life to gain ownership of another centimeter of the city, and the dark motivations behind this struggle, the vast amounts of money, the decadence, and the religion that allows it all to happen.

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A Drama Series by Mira Awad & Maya Heffner
(In Production for the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation- Kan)

Israeli summer of 2014- Muna Abud, a successful female Israeli-Arab photographer who lives and works in Tel Aviv, is putting together an exhibition of her work portraying strong, groundbreaking Arab women. The exhibition will take place in Paris and be sponsored by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On one hand, her Arab critics argue that this exhibition is an attempt to cover-up for the discriminating Israeli establishment; on the other hand, her Jewish critics refuse to accept her as their representative and some of her exhibition’s heroines decide to pull out of the project.

Muna is a strong woman; but simultaneously, her brand new and complicated romantic relationship with Yaniv, a Jewish news producer, is being put to the test ever so intensely against her family and the village she grew up in.

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